Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tom during devilish days
focus on the tongue and finger expression :)
id like to give tommi a tight hug onthis one :)
how are u, Tom?
i just wanna say. im starting to miss u in action.. look at this photo i cropped. aint his eyes a beauty.. doesnt it melt u? looking at his baby brown eyes...
TH will perform at SINGfest on Aug 3 - Singapore
Get ready for Singapore’s biggest music event of the year!
SINGFEST 2010‘s multiple artist line-up for the 3- night music festival on 3-5 August at Fort Canning Park includes:
Aug 3 (Tuesday)
1. Katy Perry
2. Tokio Hotel
3. Wonder Girls
4. Orianthi
August 4 (Wednesday)
1. Kanye West
2. Diane Birch
3. July Black
August 5 (Thursday)
1. Smashing Pumpkins
2. 30 Seconds to Mars
3. Ian Brown
Festival details:
Venue: Fort Canning Park
Dates: 3rd August to 5th August
Time: From 6.00pm (Doors open at 5pm)
Ticket Prices: From $175 per day
click here for SOURCE
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
So Much Tokio Hotel this July
We love his big ego || Tom Kaulitz
YT video by:xstuupidloveex (great job on this! pls make some more LOL)
HELP TH - Universal Music Cup 2010

There is a new voting by Universal Music - the "Universal Music Cup 2010"! You can vote for your favorite album! Currently Tokio Hotel is with their album "Humanoid" at #1, we should still vote... Important: You need an account on Facebook for the voting!
Click on "Tokio Hotel" in the ranking, it will you take to a page where you can listening to the previews of the album, and under it (on the left side) you should click on "Like" and your vote counts!
Tom Kaulitz random videos - my personal favorites
I love this. the song just fits: My Sweet Superstar by Irivery
This one is a pretty video: Barely Breathing by Gegendensturm
Because Ludo needs some love LOL
THE BEST LAUGH EVER!!!!!! my favorite COC episode.. i play this over and over.. Tom's Laugh is the best!!!!
Video by: MEHHHH
Darkside of the Sun - Tokio Hotel [official music video]
what matters to me now is wanting to be over there at the front row ;)
Souce: tokiohotelchannel @ youtube
Humanoid live CD/DVD
For a fantastic evening TOKIO HOTEL take their passengers on a journey through „HUMANOID CITY“! It’s an impressive, futuristic and urban scenery, where the young rock band performs their greatest hits LIVE. The spectacular setting was created by Misty Buckley and her team, whose members already designed the fascinating world of the blockbuster „THE FIFTH ELEMENT“. Lead singer Bill Kaulitz appears to be from a different universe when he is performing in between the hydraulic structures, floating bridges, massive fireballs and the glaring spotlights, which permanently produce new and exciting stage settings. For one night, everything seems possible. From huge rock gestures to intimate acoustic moments – HUMANOID CITY unites all the facets of an impressive stage show. This unique rock opus has been captured by star director JIM GABLE (who has worked previously with AC/DC, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, etc.). With 15 high-tech cameras, he turned the band’s Milan show into a gigantic HD movie set. The entire concert has elevated to a blockbuster experience and captivates its audience from the very first second on.
The DVD’s special content includes an extra long TOKIO HOTEL TV episode and an intimate picture gallery. It features the band during their secret rehearsals in London, UK and gives an exclusive sneak peak behind the scenes of the incredible „HUMANOID CITY“ LIVE production. The brand new LIVE video version of DARKSIDE OF THE SUN will be an exclusive asset to the LIVE album / DVD, which will be the last release before the band takes a break from Europe. Fortunately, all fans will soon get the opportunity to experience the first exciting scenes from the LIVE DVD. The striking LIVE video of DARKSIDE OF THE SUN will celebrate its world premiere shortly and in July 2010, the highly anticipated LIVE DVD will finally be released everywhere!
01. Noise
02. Human Connect to Human
03. Breakaway
04. Pain of Love
05. World Behind My Wall
06. Hey You
07. Alien (English Version)
08. Ready Set Go
09. Humanoid (German Version)
10. Phantomrider
11. Dogs Unleashed
12. Love & Death
13. In Your Shadow I Can Shine
14. Automatic
15. Screamin
16. Darkside of the Sun
17. Zoom into Me
18. Monsoon
19. Forever Now
Bonus: Backstage at Humanoid City
• Tokio Hotel TV Episode
• Picture Gallery
Source: MCA Music Inc. / Universal Music Philippines
UPDATE ON RELEASE DATES: find your country
Here are all countries listed for which there is already an official release-date for the HUMANOID City LIVE-DVD/CD! The list is updated constantly!
Ungarn / Hungary 12. Juli / 12th July
Israel 14. Juli / 14th July
Litauen / Lithuania 12. Juli / 12th July
Lettland / Latvia 12. Juli / 12th July
Deutschland / Germany 16. Juli / 16th July
Österreich / Austria 16. Juli / 16th July
Schweiz / Switzerland 16. Juli / 16th July
Belgien / Belgium 16. Juli / 16th July
Frankreich / France 19. Juli / 19th July
USA 20. Juli / 20th July
Finnland / Finland 21. Juli / 21st July
Norwegen / Norway 19. Juli / 19th July
Spanien / Spain 20. Juli / 20th July
Philippinen / Philippines 19. Juli / 19th July
Niederlande / Netherlands 16. Juli / 16th July
Kanada / Canada 20. Juli / 20th July
Schweden / Sweden 21. Juli / 21st July
Italien / Italy 20. Juli / 20th July
Polen / Poland 23. Juli / 23th July
Tschechien / Czech 16. Juli / 16th July
Neuseeland / New Zealand 26. Juli / 26th July
Dänemark / Denmark 19. Juli / 19th July
Portugal 19. Juli / 19th July
Rumänien / Romania 16. Juli / 16th July
Mexiko / Mexico 19. Juli / 19th July
Taiwan 20. Juli / 20th July
Brasilien / Brazil 20. Juli / 20th July
Argentinien / Argentina 22. Juli / 22nd July
Estland / Estonia 16. Juli / 16th July
Kolumbien / Colombia 22. Juli / 22nd July
Source: http://tokiohotel-info.myblog.de/
pls read me :)
i just wanna say that this is a NEW BLOG SITE.. Todate, it is still a few days old.. i cannot realy enlist old news about Tom Kaulitz.. i will ofcourse try to give u old info's from time to time if you ask me about it...
i guarantee that from today onwards.. this will be updated in about real time as things happen.. or even advanced ;)
Monday, June 28, 2010
COMET Awards 2010


and the backstage interview.. i love this haha.. Bill's girlfriend LOL..