Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tom's Blog - 12.24.2010
All right guys...
In a little while Bill and I will storm the Christmas tree to get our gifts. I'm really curious what my little brother came up with for me this year! I love fast cars ...but to keep my personal tradition going, I didn't get anything for him!
Thanks so much to all of you for a fantastic year 2010 and since it's Christmas, we'll raffle out some cool prizes here. You have a chance to win:
1. Special Edition Box by Kilian Kerner [let us know which box you'd like to have plus your shirt size]
2. Reebok Top-Down [tell us your shoe size]
3. Tokio Hotel Merchandise Surprise Package [tell us your shirt size]
4. YourReebok Voucher [it's a voucher for the YourReebok platform...get creative there!]
5. Tokio Hotel CD Surprise Package
For your chance to grab one of the prizes send an email to XMAS@TokioHotel.de and you might be one of the five lucky winners. In your email, please include your 1) name, 2) address, 3) country, 4) age and 5) which one of the prizes you'd like to win [please also include your size...e.g. for the shoes "size 42" or for the shirt "size L"]
- This raffle ends on Dec. 31, 2010 at 11:59 [CET] and all winners will be notified in the beginning of January 2011 via email.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
2010-12-21 RTL Punkt 9
And now to, Miriam please scream...Tokio Hotel.
Well I guess, somebody can do this much better, namely the fans in Tokyo for example. Because for the first time Bill Kaulitz and Co have been in Japan and the fans went completly crazy.
Thereby the reason was highly official. Tokio Hotel are now on the road as German-youth-ambassadors. Lars Vollmering, but watch out, it could be very loud...
Actually no need for introduction, if you get such a welcome. Tokio Hotel during their arrival in the Japanese capital. The hustle and bustle the same as usual, but nevertheless excitingly different. And already at the beginning it becomes very clear, Tokio Hotel has a huge crush on Tokyo.
Bill: Somehow the city has so much energy.
Tom: Yes, I feel the same.
Bill: Such a positiv [energy]...
Tom: In any case so positiv, I would like to say. Before I arrived here, I had bad dreams. Since I have been here, I also dream a lot, but...
Bill: ...but no bad things.
Tom: ...only positiv things.
A worthy thing was also the cause for Bill and Co. Invited as young-ambassadors in celebration of the 150-years German-Japanese friendship. An honorful task and even the language goes smoothly...
*Bill speaks Japanese*
Bill: Do you understand something?
It's not that important. The main point is, that the love of Tokio Hotel to Tokyo goes through the stomach.
Bill: I love this little...what's their name?
Tom: Sheet ropes.
Bill: The sheet ropes, exactly. They are good salted. I could eat them in bucketfuls.
But first Tokio Hotel has to write bucketfuls autographs for the fans.
But it's nice, if you have at least some freetime after the whole interview-marathon...
Georg: I guess, I don't know any other band, who work so hard.
No doubt, especially if you have also conquered the land of rising sun...
Dirty Talk mit Tokio Hotel_Bild.de
hahaha i really enjoyed watching this..
Tommi is such a boy!!! LOL
Guy: We have never seen Tokio Hotel this way. At their three-day-journey to Tokyo the boys show themselves from a completely different side again. At their arrival still having a surprisingly similar style [to his brother Tom], Bill showed his new look later. With a new hairstyle, close-cropped sides and teased top layer of hair. And not only that, also the tone among the brothers is different. Both swear as much as they can when signing autographs.
Bill: Psh!
Tom: Stop bubbling, or I’ll give you a slug! … Bill, I haven’t signed there anywhere, you’ve changed the cards…
Bill: Tom, you have put them down here for me! Are you daft, or what?
Tom: You’ve got a screw loose, boy…
Bill: You have just put them down here for me!
Tom: I have not, they weren’t for you!
Tom: Just look at this!
Bill: Tom, I have not done this! Tell me, am I crazy? You have put them there for me!
Tom: Here, yes, and why haven’t you signed it, when I had put it there for you? You are missing here!
Bill: Oh, me?
Tom: Now…?
Guy: And when they’re just in full flow now, they also reveal some old stories…
Bill & Tom: That was in 2005! Or even 2006…
Georg: Well, definitely 2006…
Tom: And back then, the dear Georg was in love with Kelly Clarkson! … Just admit it! I also admit that I once found Angelina Jolie pretty.
Georg (to Bill): I wonder why you even butt in, boy – you want to f*ck Britney Spears!
Bill: So? Better than Gülcan, Georg!
*Twins laughing*
Tom: Gülcan… Nah, Collien! ….
Tom: Or when peed into Georg’s bottle and he drank out of it afterwards… Oh, he doesn’t even know yet?
Bill: Oops…
Guy: But afterwards the boys can control themselves again. At lunch they make peace.
Bill: Cheers to Tokio Hotel in the Tokyo Hotel.
Thanks also to TIXA for sending the link